Thursday 18 December 2014

True or false?

We learn in school that two and two makes four and that a circle is round, but what if someone would tell you that a circle is just a name given to a figure and that two and two makes five (1984)? We just learn things at school and copy them to our mind without getting the chance to think about it ourselves first. We are taught what is right and who is wrong and apply that in our daily lives. Putin is portrait as the bad guy in our society while the US is our friend. We are the good, they are the bad. In Russia, the people don't see themselves as the bad of course because they are taught in a different way. Another example is the Hitlerjugend from the 1930's and 40's who were taught from the moment they were born that Hitler was their hero who saved them from the bad Jews. Because there was no one who had ever told them differently they believed in the entire story.

A nice example to illustrate this issue is the myth of the four blind men, who all discover an elephant in their own way. One of them is sitting on its back and believes it is a table, while another one is touching its tale and is sure it is a snake. The third is leaning against its foot and says it is a wall and the last one is crawling underneath the animal and claims there is nothing but air (in religious view the last one could also be seen as the atheist). The four men all see a part of the truth and create a different image of what they believe to feel and together they form the truth. I really love this myth, because it just explains the struggle there always has been between human beings. They all believe only their theory or religion is the right one, but it is just because they have a different outlook on life. They all touch different parts of the elephant and so create their own image of the truth.

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